Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Zeng, YH, Koblížek, M, Li, YX, Liu, YP, Feng, FY, Ji, JD, Jian, JC, Wu, ZH: Long PCR-RFLP of 16S-ITS-23R rRNA genes: a high-resolution molecular tool for bacterial genotyping. Journal of Applied Microbiology 114, 433-447, 2013.


Zeng, Y, Koblížek, M, Feng, F, Liu, Y, Wu, Z, Jian, J: Whole-genome sequences of an aerobic anoxygenic phototroph, Blastomonas sp. strain AAP53, isolated from a freshwater desert lake in Inner Mongolia, China. Genome Anouncements 1(2), e00071-13, 2013.


Zeng, Y, Feng, F, Liu, Y, Li, Y, Koblížek, M: Genome sequences and photosynthesis gene cluster composition of a freshwater aerobic anoxygenic phototroph, Sandarakinorhabdus asp. strain AAP62, isolated from the Shahu Lake in Ningxia, China. Genome Announcements 1(1), e00034-13, 2013.


Vredenberg, W, Prášil, O: On the polyphasic quenching kinetics of chlorophyll a fluorescence in algae after light pulses of variable length. Photosynthesis Research 117, 321-337, 2013.


Vondrák, J, Frolov, I, Říha, P, Hrouzek, P, Palice, Z, Nadyeina, O, Halici, G, Khodosovtsev, A, Roux, C: New crustose Teloschistaceae in Central Europe. Lichenologist 45(6), 701-722, 2013.


Urban, J, Hrouzek, P, Štys, D, Martens, H: Estimation of Ion Competition via Correlated Responsivity Offset in Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry Analysis: Theory and Practical Use in the Analysis of Cyanobacterial Hepatotoxin Microcystin-LR in Extracts of Food Additives. Biomed Research International, 414631, 2013.


Urban, J, Štys, D, Sergejevová, M, Masojídek, J: Expertomica Fishgui: comparison of fish skin colour. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29, 172-180, 2013.


Šlouf, V, Fuciman, M, Dulebo, A, Kaftan, D, Koblížek, M, Frank, HA, Polívka, T: Carotenoid Charge Transfer States and Their Role in Energy Transfer Processes in LH1-RC Complexes from Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophs. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117, 10987-10999, 2013.


Ševčíková, T, Bišová, K, Fojtová, M, Lukešová, A, Hrčková, K, Sýkorová, E: Completion of cell division is associated with maximum telomerase activity in naturally synchronized cultures of the green alga Desmodesmus quadricauda. FEBS Letters 587, 743-748, 2013.


Sergejevová, M, Masojídek, J: Chlorella biomass as feed supplement for freshwater fish: sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus. Aquaculture Research 44, 157-159, 2013.


Rengstl, B, Knoppová, J, Komenda, J, Nickelsen, J: Characterization of a Synechocystis double mutant lacking the photosystem II assembly factor YCF48 and Sll0933. Planta 237, 471-480, 2013.


Přibyl, P, Cepák, V, Zachleder, V: Production of lipids and formation and mobilization of lipid bodies in Chlorella vulgaris. Journal of Applied Phycology 25, 545-553, 2013.


Procházková, G, Podolová, N, Šafařík, I, Zachleder, V, Brányik, T: Physicochemical approach to freshwater microalgae harvesting with magnetic particles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 112, 213-218, 2013.


Papáček, Š, Kaňa, R, Matonoha, C: Estimation of diffusivity of phycobilisomes on thylakoid membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57, 1907-1912, 2013.


Oborník, M, Lukeš, J: Cell Biology of Chromerids: Autotrophic Relatives to Apicomplexan Parasites. International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology 306, 333-369, 2013.


Mizuno, Y, Sato, A, Watanabe, K, Hirata, A, Takeshita, T, Ota, S, Sato, N, Zachleder, V, Tsuzuki, M, Kawano, S: Sequential accumulation of starch and lipid induced by sulfur deficiency in Chlorella and Parachlorella species. Bioresource Technology 129, 150-155, 2013.


Mareš, J, Hrouzek, P, Kaňa, R, Ventura, S, Strunecký, O, Komárek, J: The Primitive Thylakoid-Less Cyanobactzerium Gloeobacter Is a Common Rock –Dwelling Organism. Plos One 8, e66323, 2013.


Li, X, Koblížek, M, Feng, F, Li, Y, Jian, J, Zeng, Y: Whole-genome sequence of a freshwater aerobic anoxygenic phototroph, Porphyrobacter sp. strain AAP82, isolated from the Huguangyan Maar Lake in Southern China. Genome Announcements 1(2), e00072-13, 2013.


Li, X, Přibyl, P, Bišová, K, Kawano, S, Cepák, V, Zachleder, V, Čížková, M, Brányiková, I, Vítová, M: The microalga Parachlorella kessleri – A novel highly efficient lipid producer. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 110, 97-107, 2013.


Lawrenz, E, Silsbe, G, Capuzzo, E, Ylöstalo, P, Forster, RM, Simis, SGH, Prášil, O, Kromkamp, JC, Hickman, AE, Moore, CM, Forget, MH, Geider, RJ, Sugget, DJ: Predicting the electron requirement for carbon fixation in seas and oceans. PLOS One 8(3), e58137, 2013.


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