Project Info
- Name: A sustainable multi-strain, multi-method, multi-product microalgae biorefinery integrating industrial side streams to create high value products for food, feed and fragrance
- Registration number: 887227
- Grant Provider: EU HORIZON 2020
- Period: 2020 - 2024
- Total Subsidity (€): 698 400,00
Project Leader
Project Description
MULTI-STR3AM will respond to the growing interest in and demand for sustainable products from microalgae by providing Europe with the first dedicated multi-strain, multi-process and multi-product biorefinery (‘MULTIbiorefinery’), which will refine the biomass from A4F and PHY into high-quality, in-demand products: lipids including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for feed and food applications; protein for feed and fragrance (microencapsulation) applications; pigments such as carotenoids and phycocyanin for food and feed applications; and low molecular weight (MW) organic compounds for fragrance applications. Comprising seven work packages, the project will cover the entire value chain, from biomass production through to the integration of individual technologies into three main processing streams together with three large end users (FF, IFF and UpF). In doing so, MULTI-STR3AM will create three new bio-based value chains, two new chemical building blocks, seven consumer products (six of which are new) and four new cross-sector connections. In parallel, the consortium will reduce the barriers and steps needed for industrial scale production by validating the concept at demonstration scale.