Centre Algatech

Institute of Michrobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


Laboratory of Cell Cycles of Algae

Los D.A., Zachleder V., Kuptsova E.C., Ksenofontov A.L., Markelova A.G., Shapiguzov Yu.M., Semenenko V.E.: Effect of light spectrum composition on replication of chloroplast DNA and division of chloroplast nucleoids in the green alga Dunaliella salina. - Fiziologia rastenij 37(6), 1045-1052, 1990.

Laboratory of algal biotechnology
Jiří Masojídek's group

Jones H.G., Massacci A., Corlett J., Masojídek J., Hall D.: Use of combined fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements to assess processes limiting photosynthesis under stress. - Bull. Soc. bot., Fr., 137, Actual bot. 1: 67-72, 1990.

Laboratory of algal biotechnology
Jiří Masojídek's group

Droppa M., Masojídek J., Horváth G.: Changes of the polypeptide composition in thylakoid membranes during differentiation. - Z. Naturforsch. 45c: 253-257, 1990.


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