Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň


Simmer J., Tichý V., Doucha J.: What kind of lamp for the cultivation of algae? - Journal of Applied Phycology 6, 309-313, 1994.
Kajan M., Tichý V., Simmer J.: Productivity of algae in different culture systems. Algological Studies 73, 111-117, 1994.
Giardi M.T., Komenda J., Masojídek J.: Involvement of protein phosphorylation in the sensitivity of photosystem II to strong illumination. - Physiologia Plantarum 92: 181-187, 1994.
Corlett J. E., Jones H.G., Massacci A., Masojídek J.: Water deficit, leaf rolling and susceptibility to photoinhibition in field grown sorghum. - Physiologia Plantarum 92, 423-430, 1994.
Lívanský K.: Dependence of the apparent CO2 mass transfer coefficient KLa on the nutrient solution pH in outdoor algal culture units. - Algological Studies 71: 111-119, 1993.
Lívanský K., Pilarski P.: Carbon dioxide supply to algal cultures. II. Efficiency of CO2 absorption from a natural gas supplied to the recirculation pipe of a cultivation unit. - Algological Studies 69: 113-123, 1993.
Lívanský K., Kajan M., Pilarski P.S.: pCO2 and pO2 profiles along the flow of algal suspension in open solar culture units: Verification of a mathematical model. - Algological Studies 70: 97-119, 1993.
Zachleder V., Tukaj Z.: Effect of fuel oil and dispersant on cell cycle and macromolecular synthesis in the chlorococcal alga Scenedesmus armatus. - Marine Biology 117: 347-353, 1993.
Kopecký J., Kajan M., Tichý V.: Analýza potravinářsky významných barviv ze sladkovodních řas metodou HPLC. - Kvasný průmysl 39: 102-105, 1993.
Komenda J., Masojídek J., Boček J. Prášil O.: Reversible and irreversible changes of fluorescence parameters during photoinhibition in the Synechococcus elongatus cells. - Photosynthetica 28(2): 249-251, 1993.

Knoppová J., Masojídek J., Pokorný J.: Chlorophyll fluorescence quenching caused by inorganic carbon depletion in the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. - Photosynthetica 28(4): 541-547, 1993.

Allakhverdiev S.I., Komenda J., Feiziev Y.M., Nedbal L., Klimov V.V.: Photoinactivation of isolated D1/D2/cytochrome b559 complex under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. - Photosynthetica 28(2): 281-288, 1993.
Nedbal L., Whitmarsh J.: Photosystem 2 reaction centers inactive in plastoquinone pool reduction: a brief overview. - Photosynthetica 27(1-2): 57-61, 1992
Nedbal L., Samson G., Whitmarsh J.: Redox state of a one-electron component controls the rate of photoinhibition of photosystem II. - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 89: 7929-7933, 1992.
Lívanský K.: Influence of some nutrient solution components and holding time of algal culture in CO2 gas saturator on the allowable length of culture flow and other parameters of CO2 supply into open cultivation units. - Algological Studies 67: 135-146, 1992.
Kajan M., Lívanský K., Bínová J., Fišer L., Novotný P.: Productivity, heavy metal content and commensalic bacteria of the alga Scenedesmus obliquus in outdoor mass cultures grown with various nitrogen sources. - Algological Studies 65: 93-104, 1992.
Barvík I., Nedbal L.: Some remarks about the role of a back recombination in RC primary processes. - J. theor Biol. 154: 303-315, 1992.
Zachleder V., Van den Ende H.: Cell cycle events in the green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos and their control by environmental factors. - Journal of Cell Science 102: 469-474, 1992.
Vácha M., Pšenčík J., Adamec F., Ambrož M., Dian J., Komenda J., Hála J.: Low temperature optical spectroscopy of photosystem 2 particles: and influence of photosynthetic activity. - Photosynthetica 27(1-2): 139-144, 1992.
Ritter S., Komenda J., Šetlíková E., Šetlík I., Welte W.: Immobilized metal affinity chromatografy for the separation of photosystems I and II from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. - Journal of Chromatography 625: 21-31, 1992.

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