Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Los D.A., Zachleder V., Kuptsova E.C., Ksenofontov A.L., Markelova A.G., Shapiguzov Yu.M., Semenenko V.E.: Effect of light spectrum composition on replication of chloroplast DNA and division of chloroplast nucleoids in the green alga Dunaliella salina. - Fiziologia rastenij 37(6), 1045-1052, 1990.


Jones H.G., Massacci A., Corlett J., Masojídek J., Hall D.: Use of combined fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements to assess processes limiting photosynthesis under stress. - Bull. Soc. bot., Fr., 137, Actual bot. 1: 67-72, 1990.


Droppa M., Masojídek J., Horváth G.: Changes of the polypeptide composition in thylakoid membranes during differentiation. - Z. Naturforsch. 45c: 253-257, 1990.


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