Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Jehlička, J*, Culka, A, Němečková, K, Mareš, J: Using Raman spectroscopy to detect scytonemin of epiliths and endoliths from marble, serpentinite and gypsum. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54(11), 1280-1296, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrs.6514


Masuda, T*, Majerová, D, Piwosz, K, Tsurumaki, T, Fujita, Y, Prášil, O: Immunocytochemical Visualization of Proteins from Cyanobacterial Cells with High Autofluorescence of Phycoerythrin and Phycourobilin. Journal of Visualized Experiments 199, e65168, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3791/65168


Masojídek, J*, Lhotský, R, Štěrbová, K, Zittelli, GC, Torzillo, G*: Solar bioreactors used for the industrial production of microalgae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 107(21), 6439-6458, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-023-12733-8


Kulik, N*, Minofar, B, Jugl, A, Pekař, M: Computational Study of Complex Formation between Hyaluronan Polymers and Polyarginine Peptides at Various Ratios. Langmuir 39(40), 14212-14222, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01318


Wibowo, YG*, Imron, MF*, Kurniawan, SB, Ramadan, BS, Taher, T, Sudibya, AH, Syarifuddin, H, Khairurrijal, K: Emerging Strategies for Mitigating Acid Mine Drainage Formation and Environmental Impacts: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Advances. Science and Technology Indonesia 8(3), 344-352, 2023. https://doi.org/10.26554/sti.2023.8.4.516-541


Kurniawan, SB*, Ahmad, A, Said, NSM, Gustinasari, K, Abdullah, SRS, Imron, MF: The influence of preparation and pretreatment on the physicochemical properties and performance of plant-based biocoagulants in treating wastewater. Environmental Advances 14, 100441, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envadv.2023.100441


Ramli, NN*, Kurniawan, SB, Ighalo, JO, Said, NSM, Marsidi, N, Buhari, J, Shah, RAR, Zulkifli, M, Alias, J, Daud, NM, Ahmad, J, Othman, AR*, Abdullah, SRS, Abu Hasan, H: A review of the treatment technologies for hexavalent chromium contaminated water. Biometals 36(6), 1189-1219, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10534-023-00512-x


Abu Hasan, H*, Muhamad, MH*, Kurniawan, SB, Buhari, J, Abuzeyad, OH: Managing Bisphenol A Contamination: Advances in Removal Technologies and Future Prospects. Water 15(20), 3573, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15203573


Kiss, É, Talbot, J, Adams, NBP, Opekar, S, Moos, M, Pilný, J, Kvasov, T, Schneider, E, Koník, P, Šimek, P, Sobotka, R*: Chlorophyll biosynthesis under the control of arginine metabolism. Cell Reports 42(2), 113265, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113265


Torzillo, G*, Alvarez-Gómez, F, Celis-Plá, PSM, Rearte, A, Gómez-Serrano, C, Benavides, AMS, Štěrbová, K, Caporgno, M, Toloupakis, E, Masojídek, J, Figueroa, FL: Photosynthesis and biochemical characterization of the green alga Chlamydopodium fusiforme (Chlorophyta) grown in a thin-layer cascade. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 22(9), 2231-2245, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43630-023-00444-y


Kurniawan, SB, Imron, MF, Abdullah, SRS*, Othman, AR, Abu Hasan, H: Coagulation–flocculation of aquaculture effluent using biobased flocculant: From artificial to real wastewater optimization by response surface methodology. Journal of Water Process Engineering 53, 103869, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2023.103869


Mezzomo, P*, Weinhold, A, Aurová, K, Jorge, LR, Kozel, P, Michálek, J, Nováková, N, Seifert, CL, Volfová, T, Engström, M, Salminen, JP, Sedio, BE, Volf, M: Leaf volatile and nonvolatile metabolites show different levels of specificity in response to herbivory. Ecology and Evolution 13(5), e10123, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10123


Buhari, J*, Abu Hasan, H*, Kurniawan, SB, Abdullah, SRS, Othman, AR: Future and challenges of co-biofilm treatment on ammonia and Bisphenol A removal from wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering 54, 103969, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2023.103969


Masuda, T*, Inomura, K, Mareš, J, Kodama, T, Shiozaki, T, Matsui, T, Suzuki, K, Takeda, S, Deutsch, C, Prášil, O, Furuya, K: Coexistence of Dominant Marine Phytoplankton Sustained by Nutrient Specialization. Microbiology Spectrum 11(4), e0400022, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.04000-22


Fuentes-Estrada, M, Jiménez-González, A, Duarte, D, Saavedra-Barrera, R, Areche, C, Stashenko, E, Benítez, NP, Bárcenas-Pérez, D, Cheel, J*, García-Beltrán, O*: GC/MS Profile and Antifungal Activity of Zanthoxylum caribaeum Lam Essential Oil against Moniliophthora roreri Cif and Par, a Pathogen That Infects Theobroma cacao L Crops in the Tropics. Chemosensors 11(8), 447, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/chemosensors11080447


Rodrigues, JS, Kovács, L, Lukeš, M, Höper, R, Steuer, R, Červený, J, Lindberg, P, Zavřel, T: Characterizing isoprene production in cyanobacteria – Insights into the effects of light, temperature, and isoprene on Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Bioresource Technology 380, 129068, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2023.129068


Němečková, K*, Mareš, J, Procházková, L, Culka, A, Košek, F, Wierzchos, J, Nedbalová, L, Dudák, J, Tymlová, V, Žemlička, J, Kust, A, Zima, J, Nováková, E, Jehlička, J: Gypsum endolithic phototrophs under moderate climate (Southern Sicily): their diversity and pigment composition. Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1175066, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1175066


Liakh, I, Harshkova, D, Hrouzek, P, Bišová, K, Aksmann, A*, Wielgomas, B*: Green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can effectively remove diclofenac from the water environment – A new perspective on biotransformation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 455, 131570, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131570


Nasir, NM, Jusoh, A*, Harun, R, Ibrahim, NNLN, Rasit, N, Ghani, WAWAK*, Kurniawan, SB: Nutrient consumption of green microalgae, Chlorella sp. during the bioremediation of shrimp aquaculture wastewater. Algal Research 72, 103110, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2023.103110


Škaloud, P*, Škaloudová, M, Jadrná, I, Pilátová, J, Shin, W, Kopecký, J: Unravelling the hidden complexity in diversity and pigment composition of a colonial flagellate Synura sphagnicola (Chrysophyceae, Stramenopiles). Fottea 23(2), 149-163, 2023. https://doi.org/10.5507/fot.2022.021


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