Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Djikanović, D, Devečerski, A, Steinbach, G, Simonović, J, Matović, B, Garab, G, Kalauzi, A, Radotić, K: Comparison of macromolecular interactions in the cell walls of hardwood, softwood and maize by fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopy, differential polarization laser scanning microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Wood Science and Technology 50 (3), 547-566, 2016.


Kopejtka, K, Koblížek, M: Bojovník s epidemiemi. Vesmír 95, 440-443, 2016.


Bernát, G, Schneider, D, Rögner, M: Alternative Rieske Iron-Sulfur Subunits and Small Polypeptides of Cyanobacterial Cytochrome b6f Complexes. Cytochrome Complexes: Evolution, Structures, Energy Transduction, and Signaling, Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration 41, 265-279, 2016.


Huang, Y, Zeng, Y, Lu, H, Feng, H, Zeng, Y, Koblížek, M: Novel acsF Gene Primers Revealed a Diverse Phototrophic Bacterial Population, Including Gemmatimonadetes, in Lake Taihu (China). Appl Environ Microbiol 82, 5587-5594, 2016.


Cheel, J, Bogdanová, K, Ignatova, S, Garrard, I, Hewitson, P, Kolář, M, Kopecký, J, Hrouzek, P, Vacek, J: Dimeric cyanobacterial cyclopent-4-ene-1,3-dione as selective inhibitor of Gram-positive bacteria growth: Bio-production approach and preparative isolation by HPCCC. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts 18, 244-249, 2016.


Hlavová, M, Vítová, M, Bišová, K: Synchronization of green algae by light and dark regimes for cell cycle and cell division studies. Methods and Protocols 1370, 3-16, 2016.


Zachleder, V, Bišová, K, Vítová, M: The cell cycle of microalgae. The Physiology of Microalgae 6, 3-46, 2016.


Tichý, M, Bečková, M, Kopečná, J, Noda, J, Sobotka, R, Komenda, J: Strain of Synechocystis PCC 6803 with aberrant assembly of Photosystem II contains tandem duplication of a large chromosomal region. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 648, 2016.


Selao, TT,  Zhang, L, Knoppová, J, Komenda, J, Norling, B: Photosystem II Assembly Steps Take Place in the Thylakoid Membrane of the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Plant Cell Physiol 57(4), 878–878, 2016.


Koblížek, M: „Železné“ experimenty. Oddechový čas. Vesmír 95, 158-159, 2016.


Piwosz, K, Kownacka, J, Ameryk, A, Zalewski, M, Pernthaler, J: Phenology of cryptomonads and the CRY1 lineage in a coastal brackish lagoon (Vistula Lagoon, Baltic Sea). J Phycol 52, 626-637, 2016.


Lew, S, Lew, M, Koblížek, M: Influence of selected environmental factors on the abundance of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in peat-bog lakes. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23 (14), 13853-13863, 2016.


Piccinetti, CHC, Riccil, R, Pennesil, Ch, Radaelli, G, Totti, C, Norici, A, Giordano, M, Olivotto, I: Herbivory in the soft coral Sinularia flexibilis (Alcyoniidae). Scientific Reports 6, 22679, 2016.


Li, T, Xu, G, Rong, J, Chen, H, He, Ch, Giordano, M, Wang, Q: The acclimation of Chlorella to high-level nitrite for potential application in biological NOx removal from industrial flue gases. Journal of Plant Physiology 195, 73–79, 2016.


Savić, A, Mitrović, A, Lloyd Donaldson, L, Radosavljević, JS, Pristov, JB, Steinbach, G, Garab, G, Radotić, K: Fluorescence-Detected Linear Dichroism of Wood Cell Walls in Juvenile Serbian Spruce: Estimation of Compression Wood Severity. Microsc Microanal 22, 361–367, 2016.


Steinbach, G, Kaňa, R: Automated Microscopy: Macro Language Controlling a Confocal Microscope and its External Illumination: Adaptation for Photosynthetic Organisms. Microsc Microanal 22, 258–263, 2016.


West, R, Keşan, G, Trsková, E, Sobotka, R, Kaňa, R, Fuciman, M, Polívka, T: Spectroscopic properties of the triple bond carotenoid alloxanthin. Chemical Physics Letters 653, 167–172, 2016.


Kaňa, R, Kotabová, E, Kopečná, J, Trsková, E, Belgio, E, Sobotka, R, Ruban, AV: Violaxanthin inhibits nonphotochemical quenching in light-harvesting antenna of Chromera velia. FEBS Letters 590, 1076–1085, 2016.


Urajová, P, Hájek, J, Wahlsten, M, Jokela, J, Galica, T, Fewer, DP, Kust, A, Zapomělová-Kozlíková, E, Delawská, K, Sivonen, K, et al: A liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric method for the detection of cyclic beta-amino fatty acid lipopeptides. Journal of Chromatography A 1438, 76-83, 2016.


Parajuli, A, Kwak, DH, Dalponte, L, Leikoski, N, Galica, T, Umeobika, U, Trembleau, L, Bent, A, Sivonen, K, Wahlsten, M, et al: A Unique Tryptophan C-Prenyltransferase from the Kawaguchipeptin Biosynthetic Pathway. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 55, 3596-3599, 2016.


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