Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Hrouzek, P, Kapuscik, A, Vacek, J, Voráčová, K, Paichlová, J, Kosina, P, Voloshko, L, Ventura, S, Kopecký, J: Cytotoxicity evaluation of large cyanobacterial strain set using selected human and murine in vitro cell models. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 124, 177-185, 2016.


Jerez, CG, Malapascua, JR, Sergejevová, M, Figueroa, FL, Masojídek, J: Effect of nutrient starvation under high irradiance on lipid and starch accumulation in Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta). Marine Biotechnology 18 (1), 24-36, 2016.


Medová H, Koblížek M, Elster J, Nedbalová, L: Short Note: Abundance of aerobic anoxygenic bacteria in freshwater lakes on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science 28, 101 - 102, 2016.

Zeng, Y, Baumbach J, Barbosa, EG, Azevedo, V, Zhang, C, Koblížek, M: Metagenomic evidence for the presence of phototrophic Gemmatimonadetes bacteria in diverse environments. Environ Microbiol Rep 8,  139 - 149, 2016.


Sebastian, M, Smith, AF, Gonzalez, JM, Fredricks, HF, Van Mooy, B, Koblížek, M, Brandsma, J, Koster, G, Mestre, M, Mostajir, B, Pitta, P, Postle, AD, Sánchez, P, Gasol, JM, Scanlan, DJ, Chen, Y: Lipid remodelling is a widespread strategy in marine heterotrophic bacteria upon phosphorus deficiency. ISME J 10, 968 - 978, 2016.


Selyanin, V, Hauruseu, D, Koblížek, M: The variability of light-harvesting complexes in aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs. Photosynth Res 128, 35-43, 2016.


Komenda, J, Sobotka, R: Cyanobacterial high-light-inducible proteins — Protectors of chlorophyll–protein synthesis and assembly.  Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics 1857(3), 288-95, 2016.


Kirby, WA, Tikhonenkov, DV, Mylnikov, AP, Janouškovec, J, Lax, G, Simpson, AGB*: Characterization of Tulamoeba bucina n. sp., an extremely halotolerant amoeboflagellate heterolobosean belonging to the Tulamoeba-Pleurostomum clade (Tulamoebidae n. fam.). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 62, 227–238, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeu.12172


Janouškovec, J*, Tikhonenkov, DV, Burki, F, Howe, AT, Kolísko, M, Mylnikov, AP, Keeling, PJ: Factors mediating plastid dependency and the origins of parasitism in apicomplexans and their close relatives. PNAS 112, 10200–07, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1423790112


Goecke, F, Zachleder, V, Vítová, M: Rare earth elements and algae: physiological effects, biorefinery and recycling. Algal Biorefineries 2, 339-363, 2015.


Vítová, M, Bišová, K, Doucha, J, Zachleder, V:  Beneficial or toxic effects of selenium on green algae and their application as nutrient supplements or bio-remediators. Algal Biorefineries 2, 315-338, 2015.


Přibyl, P, Cepák, V, Kaštánek, P, Zachleder, V: Elevated production of carotenoids by a new isolate of Scenedesmus sp. Algal Research 11, 22-27, 2015.


Tomek, P, Hrouzek, P, Kuzma, M, Sýkora, J, Fišer, R, Černý, J, Novák, P, Bártová, S, Šimek, P, Hof, M, Kavan, D, Kopecký, J:  Cytotoxic Lipopeptide Muscotoxin A, Isolated from Soil Cyanobacterium Desmonostoc muscorum, Permeabilizes Phospholipid Membranes by Reducing Their Fluidity. Chemical Research in Toxicology 28, 216-224, 2015.


Masojídek, J, Sergejevová, M, Malapascua, JR, Kopecký, J: Thin-layer systems for mass cultivation of microalgae: flat panels and sloping cascades. Algal Biorefineries 2, 237-261, 2015.


Sergejevová, M, Malapascua, JR, Kopecký, J, Masojídek, J: Photobioreactors with internal illumination. Algal Biorefineries 2, 213-236, 2015.


Bohunická, M, Mareš, J, Hrouzek, P, Urajová, P, Lukeš, M, Šmarda, J, Komárek, J, Gaysina, LA, Strunecký, O: A combined morphological, ultrastructural, molecular, and biochemical study of the peculiar family Gomontiellaceae (Oscillatoriales) reveals a new cylindrospermopsin-producing clade of cyanobacteriaJournal of Phycology 51, 1040–1054, 2015.


Steinbach, G, Schubert, F, Kaňa, R: Cryo-imaging of photosystems and phycobilisomes in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 cells. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology 152, 395-399, 2015


Kopečná, J, Cabeza de Vaca, I, Adams, NB,  Davison, PA, Brindley, AA, Hunter, CN, Guallar, V, Sobotka, R:  Porphyrin Binding to Gun4 Protein, Facilitated by a Flexible Loop, Controls Metabolite Flow through the Chlorophyll Biosynthetic Pathway. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (47), 28477-88, 2015.


Krynická, V,  Shao, S, Nixon, PJ, Komenda, J: Accessibility controls selective degradation of photosystem II subunits by FtsH protease. Nat Plants 1 (12), 15168, 2015.


Cheel, J, Minceva, M, Urajová, P, Aslam, R, Hrouzek, P, Kopecký, J: Separation of Aeruginosin-865 from Cultivated Soil Cyanobacterium (Nostoc sp.) by Centrifugal Partition Chromatography combined with Gel Permeation Chromatography. Natural Product Communications 10, 1-4, 2015.


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