Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Kopečná, J, Pilný, J,  Krynická, V, Tomčala, A, Kis, M, Gombos, Z, Komenda, J, Sobotka, R: Lack of Phosphatidylglycerol Inhibits Chlorophyll Biosynthesis at Multiple Sites and Limits Chlorophyllide Reutilization in Synechocystis sp. Strain PCC 6803. Plant Physiology 169, 1307-1317, 2015.


Silsbe, GM, Oxborough, K, Suggett, DJ,  Forster, RM, Ihnken, S,  Komárek, O, Lawrenz, E,  Prášil, O, Röttgers, R, Šicner, M, Simis, SGH, Van Dijk, MA, Kromkamp, JC: Toward autonomous measurements of photosynthetic electron transport rates: An evaluation of active fluorescence-based measurements of photochemistry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13 (3), 138-155, 2015.


Flegontov, P, Michálek, J, Janouškovec, J, Lai, DH, Jirků, M, Hajdušková, E, Tomčala, A, Otto, TD, Keeling, PJ, Pain, A, Oborník, M*, Lukeš, J*: Divergent Mitochondrial Respiratory Chains in Phototrophic Relatives of Apicomplexan Parasites. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32(5), 1115-1131, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msv021



Woo, YH*, Ansari, H, Otto, TD, Klinger, CM, Kolisko, M, Michálek, J, Saxena, A, Shanmugam, D, Tayyrov, A, Veluchamy, A, Ali, S, Bernal, A, del Campo, J, Cihlář, J, Flegontov, P,  Gornik, SG, Hajdušková, E, Horák, A, Janouškovec, J, Katris, NJ, Mast, FD,  Miranda-Saavedra, D, Mourier, T, Naeem, R, Nair, M, Panigrahi, AK, Rawlings, ND, Padron-Regalado, E, Ramaprasad, A, Samad, A, Tomčala, A, Wilkes, J, Neafsey, DE, Doerig, Ch, Bowler, Ch, Keeling, PJ, Roos, DS, Dacks, JB, Templeton, TJ, Waller, RF, Lukeš, J, Oborník, M, Pain, A: Chromerid genomes reveal the evolutionary path from photosynthetic algae to obligate intracellular parasites. eLife 4, 2015. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.06974


Zíková, A, Oborník, M, Lukeš, J: Fancy a gene? A surprisingly complex evolutionary history of peroxiredoxins. Microbial Cell 2(1), 5-13, 2015.


Řezanka, T, Lukavský, J, Sigler, K, Nedbalová, L, Vítová, M: Temperature dependence of production of structured triacylglycerols in the alga Trachydiscus minutus. Phytochemistry 110, 37-45, 2015.                


Goecke, F, Jerez, CG, Zachleder, V, Figueroa, FL, Bišová, K, Řezanka, T, Vítová, M: Use of lanthanides to alleviate the effects of metalion-deficiency in Desmodesmus quadricauda (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyta). Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 2, 2015.


Hlavová, M, Turóczy, Z, Bišová, K: Improving microalgae for biotechnology - From genetics to synthetic biology. Biotechnology Advances, 33, 1194-203, 2015.


Kotrbáček, V, Doubek, J, Doucha, J: The chlorococcalean alga Chlorella in animal nutrition: a review. Journal of Applied Phycology 27 (6), 2173-2180, 2015.


Pádrová, K, Lukavský, J, Nedbalová L, Čejková A, Cajthaml, T, Sigler, K, Vítová, M, Řezanka, T: Trace concentrations of iron nanoparticles cause overproduction of biomass and lipids during cultivation of cyanobacteria and microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology 27 (4), 1443-1451, 2015.


Řezanka, T, Vítová, M, Nováková, A, Sigler, K: Separation and Identification of Odd Chain Triacylglycerols of the Protozoan Khawkinea quartana and the Mold Mortierella alpina Using LC–MS. Lipids 50, 811-820, 2015.


Sáenz, ME, Bišová, K, Touloupakis, E, Faraloni, C, Di Marzio, WD, Torzillo, G: Evidences of oxidative stress during hydrogen photoproduction by means of sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 1-8, 2015.



Vítová, M, Bišová, K, Kawano, S, Zachleder, V: Accumulation of energy reserves in algae: From cell cycles to biotechnological applications. Biotechnology Advances 33 (6), 1204-1218, 2015.


Koblížek, M: Ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in aquatic environments. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 39 (6), 854-70, 2015.


Cheregi, O, Kotabová, E, Prášil, O, Schröder, WP, Kaňa, R, Funk, Ch: Presence of state transitions in the cryptophyte alga Guillardia theta. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (20), 6461-6470, 2015.


McKay, RML, Prášil, O, Pechar, L, Lawrenz, E, Rozmarynowycz, MJ, Bullerjahn, GS: Freshwater ice as habitat: Partitioning of phytoplankton- and bacteria between ice and water in central European reservoirs. Environmental Microbiology Report’s 7 (6), 887-898, 2015.


Giordano, M,  Palmucci, M, Raven, JA: Growth rate hypothesis and efficiency of protein synthesis under different sulphate concentrations in two green algae. Plant Cell and Environment 38 (11), 2313-7, 2015.


Giordano, M,  Palmucci, M, Norici, A: Taxonomy and growth conditions concur to determine the energetic suitability of algal fatty acid complements. J Appl Phycol 27, 1401-1413, 2015.


Tóth, TN, Chukhutsina, V, Domonkos, I, Knoppová, J, Komenda, J, Kis, M, Lénárt, Z, Garab, G, Kovács, L, Gombos, Z, van Amerongen, H: Carotenoids are essential for the assembly of cyanobacterial photosynthetic complexes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1847, 1153–1165, 2015.


Oborník, M, Lukeš, J: The Organellar Genomes of Chromera and Vitrella, the Phototrophic Relatives of Apicomplexan Parasites. Annual Review of Microbiology 69, 129–44, 2015.


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