Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň



Brányiková, I, Maršálková, B, Doucha, J, Brányik, T, Bišová, K, Zachleder, V, Vítová, M: Microalgae – Novel highly efficient starch producers. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 108(4), 766-776, 2011.


Boehm, M, Romero, E, Reisinger, V, Yu, J, Komenda, J, Eichacker, LA, Dekker, JP, Nixon, PJ: Investigating the early stages of photosystem II assembly in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 - Isolation of CP47 complexes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(17), 14812-14819, 2011.


Janouškovec, J, Horák, A, Oborník, M, Lukeš, J, Keeling PJ*: A common red algal origin of the apicomplexan, dinoflagellate, and heterokont plastids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, 10949–54, 2010. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1003335107

Andersen, E., Lohscheider, J., Šetlíková, E., Adamska, I., Šimek, M., Küpper, H.: Acclimation of Trichodesmium erythraeum ISM101 to high and low irradiance analysed on the physiological, biophysical and biochemical level. – New Phytologist 185, 173-188, 2010.
Zelík, P., Lukešová, A., Čejka, J., Buděšínský, M., Havlíček, V., Čegan, A., Kopecký, J.: Nostotrebin 6, a bis(cyclopentenedione) with cholinesterase inhibitory activity isolated from Nostoc sp. str. Lukešová 27/97. – Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 25(3), 414-420, 2010.
Sozer, O., Komenda, J., Ughy, B., Domonkos, I., Laczkó-Dobos, H., Malec, P., Gombos, Z., Kis, M.: Involvement of carotenoids in the synthesis and assembly of protein subunits of photosynthetic reaction centers of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. – Plant Cell Physiology 51(5), 823-835, 2010.
Skřivan, M., Skřivanová, V., Dlouhá, G., Brányiková, I., Zachleder, V., Vítová, M.: The use of selenium-enriched alga Scenedesmus quadricauda in a chicken diet. – Czech Journal of Animal Science 55 (12), 565-571, 2010.
Onofrejová, L., Vašíčková, J., Klejdus, B., Stratil, P., Mišurcová, L., Kráčmar, S., Kopecký, J., Vacek, J.: Bioactive phenols in algae: The application of pressurized-liquid and solid-phase extraction techniques. – Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 51, 464-470, 2010.
Olson, B.J.S.C., Oberholzer, M., Li, Y., Zones, J.M., Kohli, H.S., Bišová, K., Meisenhelder, J., Hunter, T., Zmen, J.G.: Regulation of the Chlamydomonas cell cycle by qa stable, chromatin-associated retinoblastoma tumor suppressor complex [W]. – Plant Cell 22, 3331-3347, 2010.
Nixon, P.J., Michoux, F., Yu, J., Boehm, M., Komenda, J.: Recent advances in understanding the assembly and repair of photosystem II. Annals of Botany 106, 1-16, 2010.
Masojídek J., Prášil, O.: The development of microalgal biotechnology in the Czech Republic. – Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 37, 1307-1317, 2010.
Lípová, L., Krchňák, P., Komenda, J., Ilík, P.: Heat-induced disassembly and degradation of chlorophyll-containing protein complexes in vivo. – Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1797, 63-70, 2010.
Levitan, O., Kranz, S.A., Spungin, D., Prášil, O., Rost, B., Berman-Frank, I.: Combined effect of CO2 and light on the N2 –fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101: A mechanistic view. – Plant Physiology 154, 346-356, 2010.
Kranz, S.A., Levitan, O., Richter, K-U., Prášil, O., Berman-Frank, I., Rost, B.: Combined effect of CO2 and light on the N2 –fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101: Physiological Responses 1[OA]. – Plant Physiology 154, 334-345, 2010.

Komenda, J., Knoppová, J., Krynická, V., Nixon, P.J., Tichý, M.: Role of FtsH2 in the repair of Photosystem II in mutants of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 with impaired assenmbly or stability of the CaMn4 cluster. – Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1797, 566-275, 2010.

Komárková, J., Jezberová, J., Komárek, O., Zapomělová, E.: Variability of Chroococcus (Cyanobacteria) morphospecies with regard to phylogenetic relationships. – Hydrobiologia 639, 69-83, 2010.
Koblížek, M., Mlčoušková, J., Kolber, Z., Kopecký, J.: On the photosynthetic properties of marine bacterium COL2P belonging to Roseobacter clade. – Archives of Microbiology 192, 41-49, 2010.
Kaštánek, F., Šabata, S., Šolcová, O., Maléterová, Y., Kaštánek, P., Brányiková, I., Kuthan, K., Zachleder, V.: In-field experimental verification of cultivation of microalgae Chlorella sp. using the flue gas from a cogeneration unit as a source of carbon dioxide. Waste Management and Research 28(11), 961-966, 2010.
Ilík, P., Kotabová, E., Špundová, M., Novák, O., Kaňa, R., Strzalka, K.: Low-light-induced violaxanthin de-epoxidation in shortly preheated leaves: uncoupling from ΔpH-dependent nonphotochemical quenching. – Photochemistry and Photobiology 86, 722-726, 2010.
Chroňáková, A., Krištůfek, V., Tichý, M., Elhottová, D.: Biodiversity of streptomycetes isolated from a succession sequence at a post-mining site and their evidence in Miocene lacustrine sediment. – Microbial Research, 165, 594-608, 2010.

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