Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň


Oldenhof, H., Bišová, K., van den Ende, H., Zachleder, V.: Effect of red and blue light on the timing of cyclin-dependent kinase activity and the timing of cell division in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. - Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42, 341-348, 2004.
Masojídek, J., Kopecký, J., Koblížek, M., Torzillo, G.: The xanthophyll cycle in green algae (Chlorophyta): its role in the photosynthetic apparatus. - Plant Biology 6, 342-349, 2004.
Malý, J., Masci, A., Masojídek, J., Sugiura. M., Pilloton, R.: monolayers of natural and recombinant photosystem II on gold electrodes - potentials for use as biosensors for detection of herbicides. - Analytical Letters 37 (8), 1645-1656, 2004.
Malý, J., Di Meo, C., De Francesco, M., Masci, A., Masojídek, J., Sugiura, M., Volpe, A., Pilloton, R.: Reversible immobilization of engineered molecules by Ni-NTA chelastors. - Bioelectrochemistry 63, 271-275, 2004.
Lupínková, L., Komenda, J.: Oxidative modifications of the Photosystem II D1 protein by reactive oxygen speies: from isolated protein to cyanobacterial cells. - Photochemistry and Photobiology 79(2), 152-162, 2004.
Komenda, J., Reisinger, V., Müller, B.C., Dobáková, M., Granvogl, B., Eichacker, L.A.: Accumulation of the D2 protein is a key regulatory step for assembly of the photosystem II reaction center complex in Synechocystis PCC 6803. - Journal of Biological Chemistry 279 (47), 48620-48629, 2004.
Kopecký, J., Lukavská, A., Verboviková, E., Pfündel, E.: Changes in the photosynthetic pigment patterns during the synchronous life cycle of Porphyridium purpureum. - Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 154/ Algological Studies 114, 121-132, 2004.
Kaňa, R., Špundová, M., Ilík, P., Lazár, D., Klem, K., Tomek, P., Nauš, J., Prášil, O.: Effect of herbicide clomazone on photosynthetic processes in primary barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves. - Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 78, 161-170, 2004.
Havelková-Doušová, H., Prášil, O., Behrenfeld, M.J.: Phtoacclimation of Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae) under fluctuating irradiance. - Photosynthetica 42 (2), 273-281, 2004.
Dědic, R., Promnares, K., Pšenčík, J., Svoboda, A., Kořínek, M., Tichý, M., Komenda, J., Funk, C., Hála, J.: Hole burning study of cyanobacterial Photosystem II complexes differing in the content of small putative chlorophyll-binding proteins. - Journal of Luminescence 107, 230-235, 2004.
Chen, Y-B., Durnford, D.G., Koblížek, M., Falkowski, P.G.: Plastid regulation of Lhcb1 Transcription in the Chlorophyte alga Dunaliella tertiolecta. - Plant Physiology 136, 3737-3750, 2004.
Behrenfeld, M.J., Prášil, O., Babin, M., Bruyant, F.: In search of a physiological basis for covariations in light-limited and light-saturated photosynthesis. - Journal of Phycology 40, 4-25, 2004.
Lívanský, K., Doucha, J.: Evaluation of dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in microalgal suspension on outdoor thin-layer cultivation surface. - Archiv für Hydrobiologie 149/Algological Studies 110, 151-165, 2003.
Küpper, H., Šetlík, I., Šetlíková, E., Ferimazova, N., Spiller, M., Küpper, F.C.: Copper-induced inhibition of photosynthesis: limiting steps of in vivo copper chlorophyll formation in Scenedesmus quadricauda. – Functional Plant Biology 30, 1187-1196, 2003.
Torzillo, G., Pushparaj, B., Masojídek, J., Vonshak, A.: Biological constrainst in algal biotechnology. – Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 8, 338-348, 2003.
Torzillo, G., Goksan, T., Faraloni, C., Kopecký, J., Masojídek, J.: Interplay between photochemical activities and pigment composition in an outdoor culture of Haematococcus pluvialis during the shift from the green to red stage. – Journal of Applied Phycology 15, 127-136, 2003.
Tichý, M.: Native isolation of the CcsB protein from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 involved in cytochrome f maturation in cyanobacteria and plastids. - Photosynthetica 41(4), 583-588, 2003.
Tichý, M., Lupínková, L., Sicora, C., Vass, I., Kuviková, S., Prášil, O., Komenda, J.: Synechocystis 6803 mutants expressing distinct forms of the Photosystem II D1 protein from Synechococcus 7942: Relationship between the psbA coding region and sensitivity to visible nad UV-B radiation. – Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Bioenergetics 1605, 55-66, 2003.
Slaninová, M., Nagyová, B., Gálová, E., Hendrychová, J., Bišová, K., Zachleder, V., Vlček, D.: The alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii UVS11 gene is responsible for cell division delay and temporal decrease in histone H1 kinase activity caused by UV irradiation. – DNA Repair 2, 737-750, 2003.
Rontani, J-F., Koblížek, M., Beker, B., Bonin, P., Kolber, Z.S.: On the origin of cis-vaccenic acid photodegradation products in the marine environment. – Lipids 38, 1085-1092, 2003.

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