Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň


Lívanský, K.: Comparison of continuous and stepwise control of CO2 supply into outdoor open thin-layer algal culture units. – Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl. 131/ Algological Studies 96: 119-129, 2000.
Küpper, H., Šetlík, I., Trtílek, M., Nedbal, L.: A microscope for two-dimensional measurements of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics using pulsed measuring radiation, continuous actinic radiation, and saturating flashes. - Photosynthetica 38(4), 553-570, 2000.
Tichý, M., Vermaas, W.: Combinatorial mutagenesis and pseudorevertant analysis to characterize regions in loop E of the CP47 protein in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. - European Journal of Biochemistry 267, 6296-6301, 2000.
Masojídek, J. Torzillo, G., Kopecký, J., Koblížek, M., Nidiaci, L., Komenda, J., Lukavská, A., Sacchi, A.: Changes in chlorophyll fluorescence quenching and pigment composition in the green alga Chlorococcum sp. grown under nitrogen deficiency and salinity stress. – Journal of Applied Phycology 12, 417-426, 2000.
Lovčinský, M., Dědic, J., Komenda, J., Hála: Low temperature spectroscopy and hole-burning study of iron-stress induced chlorophyll protein CP 34 of Synechococcus elongatus. – Journal of Molecular Liquids 86, 85-89, 2000.
Lovčinský, M., Dědic, R., Komenda, J., Hála, J.: Hole burning study of CP 43 pigment protein of iron-deprived cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. – Journal of Luminescence 86, 415-419, 2000.
Kopecký, J., Schoefs, B., Loest, K., Štys, D., Pulz, O.: Microalgae as a source for secondary carotenoid production: a screening study. - Archiv für Hydrobiologie 133/Algological Studies 98, 153-168, 2000.
Komenda, J., Koblížek, M., Prášil, O.: Characterization of processes responsible for the distinct effect of herbicides DCMU and BNT on Photosystem II photoinactivation in cells of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC7942. – Photosynthesis Research 63, 135-144, 2000.
Komenda, J., Hassan, H.A.G., Diner, B.A., Debus, R.J., Barber, J., Nixon, P.J.: Degradation of the Photosystem II D1 and D2 proteins in different strains of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 varying with respect to the type and level of psbA transcript. – Plant Molecular Biology 42, 635-645, 2000.
Komenda, J.: Role of two forms of the D1 protein in the recovery from photoinhibition of photosystem II in the cyanopbacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942. - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1457, 243-252, 2000.
Koblížek, M., Komenda, J., Masojídek, J., Pechar, L.: Cell aggregation of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus: Role of the electron transport chain. – Journal of Phycology 36, 662-668, 2000.
Bišová, K., Vítová, M., Zachleder, V.: The activity of total histone H1 kinase is related to growth and commitment points while the p13suc1-bound kinase activity relates to mitoses in the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. – Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 38(10), 755-764, 2000.
Xiong, F., Nedbal, L., Neori, A.: Assessment of UV-B sensitivity of photosynthetic apparatus among microalgae: short-term laboratory screening versus long-term outdoor exposure. - Journal of Plant Physiology 155, 54-62, 1999.
Urban, O., Trtílek, M., Feild, T., Nedbal, L.: Single-turnover flashes to saturate the QA reduction in a leaf were generated by the light-emitting diodes from a double modulation kinetic chlorophyll fluorometer. – Photosynthetica 37(2), 201-207, 1999.
Soukupová, J., Lukavská, A., Lukavský, J., Nedbal, L.: Sensitivity of the algal biotest ISO 10253 to the photosystem 2 herbicides in seawater. – Photosynthetica 37(2), 209-216, 1999.
Nedbal, L., Trtílek, M., Kaftan, D.: Flash fluorescence induction: a novel method to study regulation of Photosystem II. - Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 48(2-3), 154-157, 1999.
Lívanský, K., Doucha, J.: Liquid film mass transfer coefficients K¬¬L for O2 and CO2 desorption from open thin-layer microalgal cultures into atmosphere. – Archiv für Hydrobiologie 127Algological Studies 92, 109-132, 1999.
Klyachko-Gurvich, G.L., Tsoglin, L.N., Doucha, J., Kopetskii, J., Shebalina (Ryabykh), I.B., Semenenko, V.E.: Desaturation of fatty acids as an adaptive response to shifts in light intensity. – Physiologia Plantarum 107, 240-249, 1999.
Kaftan, D., Meszaros, T., Whitmarsh, J., Nedbal, L.: Characterization of photosystem II activity and heterogeneity during the cell cycle of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. - Plant Physiology 120, 433-441, 1999.
Dijkman, N., Kaftan, D., Trtílek, M., Nedbal, L.: Measurements of phytoplankton of sub-nanomolar chlorophyll concentrations by a modified double-modulation fluorometer. - Photosynthetica 37(2), 249-254, 1999.

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