Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň


Masojídek J., Hall D.O.: Salinity and drought stress are amplified by high irradiance in sorghum. - Photosynthetica 27(1-2): 159-171, 1992.
Komenda J., Masojídek J., Prášil O., Boček J.: Two mechanisms of photosystem 2 photoinactivation: Do they exist in vivo+6? - Photosynthetica 27(1-2): 99-108, 1992.
Corlett J.E., Jones H.G., Masojídek J., Massacci A.: Chlorophyll fluorescence in the field grown sorghum. Instrument discrepancies. - Photosynthetica 27(1-2): 257-260, 1992.
Masojídek J., Trivedi S., Halshaw L., Alexiou A., Hall D.O.: The synergistic effect of drought and light stresses in sorghum and pearl millet. - Plant Physiology 96: 198-207, 1991.
Nedbal L., Masojídek J., Komenda J., Prášil O., Šetlík I.: Three types of Photosystem II photoinactivation. 2. Slow processes. - Photosynthesis Research 24: 89-97, 1990.

Jones H.G., Massacci A., Corlett J., Masojídek J., Hall D.: Use of combined fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements to assess processes limiting photosynthesis under stress. - Bull. Soc. bot., Fr., 137, Actual bot. 1: 67-72, 1990.


Droppa M., Masojídek J., Horváth G.: Changes of the polypeptide composition in thylakoid membranes during differentiation. - Z. Naturforsch. 45c: 253-257, 1990.


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