Centrum Algatech

Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. - vědecké pracoviště Třeboň


Vassiliev I.R., Prášil O., Wyman K.D., Kolber Z., Hanson A.K., Prentice J.E., Falkowski P.G.: Inhibition of PSII photochemistry by PAR and UV radiation in natural phytoplankton communities. - Photosynthesis Research 42, 51-64, 1994.
Komenda J., Masojídek J., Boček J. Prášil O.: Reversible and irreversible changes of fluorescence parameters during photoinhibition in the Synechococcus elongatus cells. - Photosynthetica 28(2): 249-251, 1993.
Komenda J., Masojídek J., Prášil O., Boček J.: Two mechanisms of photosystem 2 photoinactivation: Do they exist in vivo+6? - Photosynthetica 27(1-2): 99-108, 1992.
Hála J., Vácha M., Dian J., Prášil O., Komenda J.: Spectral hole burning of pea chloroplast chlorophyll-protein complexes in gel. - Photosynthetica 26(3): 429-436, 1992.

Hála J., Vácha M., Dian J., Ambrož M., Adamec F., Prášil O., Komenda J., Nedbal L., Vácha F., Mareš J.: Structure and function of photosynthetic systems studied by hole burning spectroscopy. - J. Luminescence 48 and 49, 295-298, 1991.

Nedbal L., Masojídek J., Komenda J., Prášil O., Šetlík I.: Three types of Photosystem II photoinactivation. 2. Slow processes. - Photosynthesis Research 24: 89-97, 1990.

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