Laboratory of Photosynthesis
Ondřej Prášil`s group
Microbial photosynthesis
Microenvironments of Trichodesmium colonies
A close-up view on microenvironments within Trichodesmium colonies

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- Klawonn, I, Eichner, MJ, Wilson ST, Moradi, N, Thamdrup, B, Kümmel, S, Gehre, M, Khalili, A, Grossart, HP, Karl, DM, Ploug, H (2020): Distinct nitrogen cycling and steep chemical gradients in Trichodesmium colonies. ISME Journal 14(2): 399-412.
- Eichner, M, Thoms, S, Rost, B, Mohr, W, Ahmerkamp, S, Ploug, H, Kuypers, M & de Beer, D (2019). N2 fixation in free-floating filaments of Trichodesmium is higher than in transiently suboxic microenvironments. New Phytologist 222(2): 852-863.
- Eichner, M, Basu, S, Wang, S, de Beer, D, Shaked, Y (2019): Mineral iron dissolution in Trichodesmium colonies: The role of O2 and pH microenvironments. Limnology and Oceanography.
- Eichner, M, Basu, S, Gledhill, M, de Beer, D, Shaked, Y (2019): Hydrogen Dynamics in Trichodesmium Colonies and Their Potential Role in Mineral Iron Acquisition. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1565.