Name: | Ing. Karolína Štěrbová, Ph.D. Laboratory of algal biotechnology Jiří Masojídek's group |
Phone: | +420 384 340 463 |
E-mail: | sterbova(at) |
Position: | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Main research interest
Currently, I am involved in applied research on microalgae useful in the food and feed industry and the development of new functional foods/feeds enriched with valuable bioactive substances. In the past, the development of cultivation systems, large-scale cultivation and the use of waste nutrients for microalgae production and their subsequent applications (biostimulants, biopesticides, feeds in aquaculture) have also been my area of interest
Scientific expertise
- PAM-2500, Junior-PAM, AquaPen, Oxygraph+
- Ion-exchange chromatography
- Gass chromatography with flame ionization detector
- Biostimulation tests (germination ine´dex) a antifungal testing (well- and disk diffusion method)
Description of the academic carrier
- 2021-now Postdoc, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre Algatech)
- 2014-2020 Research assistant, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Centre Algatech)
- 2017–2020 Ph.D. in Agriculture Biotechnology, Univerzity of South Bohemia in Českých Budějovicích, České Budějovice, advisor: prof. Vladislav Čurn
- 2012–2014 Ing. in Chemistry of Natural Compounds, University of Chemistry and Technology, advisor: prof. Jitka Moravcová
- 2009–2012 Bc. in Chemistry, Univerzity of South Bohemia in Českých Budějovicích, České Budějovice, advisor: doc. Roman Kubec
Most important research projects
- 2020-2022 Interreg V-A Algae4Fish
- 2015–2019 National Programme of Sustainability I (Grant No.: LO1416), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
- 2016–2020 Europian Project Horizon 2020, Sustainable Algae Biorafinery for Agriculture and Aquaculture
- 2017–2019 Algenetics Interreg V-A, Austria – Czech Republic, Joint Czech-Austria Research Centre for Microalgal Biotechnology
- 2014–2020 Interreg Czech Republic – Bavaria, Joint Research of Natural Compounds from Cyanobacteria as a Model for Developing a Cross-border Scientific Partnership
- 2011–2014 European project ALGALTECH (CZ. 1.05/21.00/03.0110)
Most important talks (10 in total)
- 3-15 December 2022 AlgaEurope 2022 (Microalgae as a feed improve the survival rate and vitality of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) larvae)
- 16-19 September 2019 Algae Biomass Summit, Orlando, Florida, USA (Biopesticide Activity of Chlorella sp. strain cultured in Pilot Scale)
- 25-26 September 2018 Symposium on Microalgal Biotechnology in Agriculture, Třeboň, Czech Republic (Production of Microalgae with Biopesticide Activity)
- 6 March 2018 2nd EUAlgae Workshop of Algae Bioproducts for Early Career Investigators COST1408, Thessaloniki, Greece, Microalgae Strains with Potencial Biopesticide Activity
- 25-27 June 2018 World Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture Conference, Stockholm, Sweden (Microalgae with Potencial Biopesticide Activity, moderation of Key note Sessions)
Most important poster presentations (13 in total)
- Masojídek, J, Štěrbová, K, Bečková, M, Torzillo, G, Knoppová, J, Benavídes, AMS, Komenda, J. Outdoor Photoacclimation of Two Chlorella Strains Characterised by Normal and Reduced Light-harvesting Antennas: Photosynthetic Activity and Chlorophyll-Protein Organization. AlgaEurope 2022, Rome, Italy.
- Ranglová K, Lakatos G, Grivalský T, Camara Manoel JA, Estrella SF, Acién FG, Urajová P and Masojídek J. Biostimulant and Biopesticide Activity of Chlorella sp. Cultured in Pilot Scale, Algae Biomass Organization, Orlando-Florida, USA, 2019 (research award for the 2nd place in Biology Division Poster)
- Malapascua JRF, Sergejevová M, Ranglová K and Masojídek J. Photosynthesis, Growth & Lipid Accumulation in the Microalga Trachydiscus minutus (Eustigmatophyceae), Algae Biomass Summit 2014, San Diego (California).
Field experiments
- 10–17 August 2014: CCNR Italy, Firenze, Growth characteristic of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis in outdoor cultivation units at optimal and suboptimal temperatures
- 25 July – 8 August 2016: CNR, Italy, Firenze, Heterotrophic conversion of Chlorella to autotrophic conditions outdoor in thin-layer cascade
- 24 July – 3 August 2017: CNR, Itálie, Florencie, Srovnání růstu mikrořasy Chalmydopodium fusiforme v anorganickém médiu BG-11 a v ředěné prasečí kejdě – venkovní pokusy v 10 L kultivační jednotce
- 3–12 April 2018: University of Almería, La Cañada de San Urbano, Almería, Spain, Characterization of Chlamydopodium fusiforme grown on TLC – one-way 60m2; 3m3 and two-ways 120m2; 3m3 and in RWP 75m2;12m3
Key current international cooperation
- Gabriel Acién, Francisca Suárez-Estrella, Emilio Molina-Grima (University of Almería, Almería, Spain)
- Juan Luis Gómez Pinchetti (University of Las Palmas, Canary Island)
- Vince Ördög (Széchenyi István University, Györ, Hungary)
- 16-19 September 2019 Algae Biomass Summit, Florida, USA (Young Research Award in Biology Division Poster - Biostimulant and Biopesticide Activity of Chlorella sp. Cultured in Pilot Scale )
Other activities
Travelling, family.