Name | Laboratory | Position | Phone |
Figueroa Valencia Sheyla Julissa sheylafigueroa(at) | Laboratory of algal biotechnology Pavel Hrouzek's group | Research assistant | |
Aggarwal, Divya aggarwal(at) | Laboratory of Photosynthesis Roman Sobotka`s group | PhD. Student | +420 384 340 458 |
Alemany Villena, Cristian villena(at) | Laboratory of Anoxygenic Phototrophs | Postdoctoral Fellow | +420 384 340 454 |
Anindita, Paulina Duhita anindita(at) | Laboratory of Photosynthesis Roman Sobotka`s group | Associate Scientist | +420 384 340 492 |
Arlethová, Lenka arlethova(at) | Supporting Facilities | +420 384 340 416 | |
Bárcenas Pérez, Daniela barcenas(at) | Laboratory of algal biotechnology Jose Cheel´s group | Postdoctoral Fellow | +420 384 340 498, +420 384 340 494 |
Bečková, Martina beckova(at) | Laboratory of Photosynthesis Josef Komenda`s group | Postdoctoral Fellow(maternity leave) | +420 384 340 492 |
Bhattacharjee, Bipasha bhattacharjee(at) | Laboratory of Cell Cycles of Algae | Postdoctoral Fellow | +420 384 340 481 |
Bišová, Kateřina bisova(at) | Laboratory of Cell Cycles of Algae | Senior Scientist | +420 384 340 480 |
Budín, Tomáš budin(at) | Economic Manager of the Centre | +420 384 340 419 | |
Budínová, Jana budinova(at) | Administration | +420 724 874 274, +420 384 340 419 | |
Bureš, Michal bures(at) | Technician | +420 384 340 420 | |
Čápová, Petra skotnicova(at) | Laboratory of Photosynthesis Roman Sobotka`s group | Postdoctoral Fellow | +420 384 340 444 |
Čižinská, Yveta cizinska(at) | Administration | +420 384 340 478 | |
Čížková, Natálie nataliecizkova(at) | Laboratory of Photosynthesis Josef Komenda`s group | PhD. Student | +420 384 340 444 |
Dean, Jason Lawrence dean(at) | Laboratory of Anoxygenic Phototrophs | Research assistant | +420 384 340 454 |
Debashrita Mishra mishra(at) | Laboratory of Cell Cycles of Algae | Research assistant | +420 384 340 481 |
Delawská Kateřina delawska(at) | Laboratory of algal biotechnology Pavel Hrouzek's group | PhD. Student (maternity leave) | +420 384 340 472 |
Demianyk, Oleksandra demianyk(at) | Laboratory of Photosynthesis Ondřej Prášil`s group | Research assistant | +420 384 340 441 |
Divoká,Petra divoka(at) | Laboratory of algal biotechnology Pavel Hrouzek's group | Research assistant | +420 384 340 472 |